So what do we mean when we say Pocket-to-Pocket Giving?
In a generation that is known to be social impact driven, millennials (and philanthropists at large) are disengaging with big charities. Indeed, trust in charities has deteriorated across the entire charity space in recent years.
Many are confused as to where their money is actually going and if it is really impacting the
people who need it most. This is what lead us to build ESTHER Giving. To allow everyday people to give directly and anonymously to those in real crisis in their own communities.
We recognized that people wanted to give give in a way that guarantees their donation is reaching the most vulnerable people in their city. Pocket to pocket.
What is a referral network?
People’s desire to give with immediate impact has inspired our vision to build out the ESTHER ecosystem with a national network of trusted charity partners. Our referral partners include community based charities like women’s shelters, food banks, and other government organizations like city councils and even social workers.
Our referral partners identify and register people in crisis for an ESTHER card, and they can start receiving donations within days. We are able to switch off high risk merchant codes like alcohol, gambling, certain online purchases and cash withdrawal. ESTHER provides complete visibility of donations and where they are being spent.
How does it work?
Through your ESTHER giving account you can donate straight to a family or person verified to be in need anywhere in the US. Donations are safeguarded for basic essentials like groceries, utility bills, transport or clothes.
Giving through ESTHER allows you the peace of mind that your donation is really helping in an immediate way. You also get a monthly report on exactly how your donation is helping.
Pocket-to-pocket giving. This is anonymous peer-2-peer giving with the verification that the person is in real need and the peace of mind that your donation is being spent on something helpful.